on turning 30
my other life
every jesus

Dylan Hock has been editor in chief of three literary journals: Ink: a Literary Brothel, Bombay Gin 29 , and most recently, Watching the Wheels: a Blackbird. His work has been published in: Ill Times, 3 therefore 2, El Pobre Mouse, One Less, and other journals. He has lived and worked extensively studying the Cantos of Ezra Pound, with Pound’s family, at Brunnenburg Castle, Dorf Tirol, Italy; read on a small European tour, including Shakespeare & Co. and the D'Aini Gallery, in Paris, France; as well as Ruigoord, Amsterdam, Netherlands, at the invitations of poets/writers Nina Zivancevic and Hans Plomp. In 2005, he also played a blind role in a reality-documentary investigating the credibility of The DaVinci Code, titled Quest for the Code. He is currently finishing his novel, tentatively titled, the expatriot; filming arts events around Boulder, CO; running a handful of blogs and sites (Myspace, Watching the Wheels: a Blackbird's Myspace, The Velvet Goldmine) and was just inducted into poet, Jim Cohn's, critically acclaimed website, The Museum of American Poetics.
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